
One of the most popular swim jammers for regular use. The suit is comfortable, chlorine resistant and economy-priced.


This jammer is one of the most popular suits out there. While Sporti hasn’t made a splash in the technical suit area, yet, they have a good line of “standard” suits that can be used for training and competitions.

The main selling point of the Solid Compression model is its longevity. The suit is made with “Xtra Life Lyrca,” which is a line of Lycra made specifically for swimwear manufacturers. Invista, the manufacturer if Lycra, made the material to address the issues that arise from continuous use of suits in chlorinated water. The issues, which they call “bag and sag,” include thinning material and shape loss caused by the pool chemicals. The fabric, according to Invista, lasts 5-10 times longer than Spandex.

The suit lining uses nylon and regular Spandex, for comfort. Also to help with comfort, Sporti incorporate “Flat Locked Seems.” This manufacturing technique causes the seems to be closer to the body, which also helps reduce the swimmer’s drag coefficient.

As the name suggests, the suit is only available in solid colors, including green, navy, red, royal blue, black and dark green.

Another reason this suit is so popular is the price. The list price is around $23, which allows many swimmers to have a couple for practice suits and one that they protect for racing.

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